Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

We were hoping to have a court date to announce to you but unfortunately, still no word. So I will tell you about my amazing husband and my wonderful Grandfather.

I don't think I could have made a better choice in a father for my children. Jon is wonderful. He dotes on his daughter, reads and plays with her, teaches her, has patience with her and loves her fully and unconditionally. I read a quote today that reads "A daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men." I think Jon holds that standard quite high for any future suitors.

I am so blessed to have Jon co-parent with me. Because of my understanding of what a father was, I never thought I would have a partner for that. I'm so glad he has proved me wrong. He has redeemed the example I had from my own birth father and showed me what a real Dad is. I am also constantly amazed at how perfectly we agree on nearly all parenting issues. Our styles, priorities and hopes for our children are nearly identical. Our hopes for our family have been completely in tune also. Adoption was not just something I wanted and he consented too. He wanted it and is just as passionate as I am. He is just as eager to have Sofie  in our arms as I am, although he may keep those emotions in check a little better than me!

Today we also got to celebrate my Grandfather's 89th birthday. It was pretty special to celebrate such a momentous occasion with a man who was so important in my life. He assisted my mom through leaving my birth father, helped raise us kids and was always there for us with his insight and support. I am so thankful for him. As this is likely his last Father's Day, since his health is worsening every day, I'm thankful I got to see him smile today and look around the room to all the family that he has loved and helped guide.

I'll leave you with some pictures of our trip to the water slides a few weeks ago. Just another example of what a wonderful father Jon is...

 We brought the Bum along :) She always does this with her 
hair when she isn't swimming... It makes me laugh :)

They were having far too much fun :)
 On the big kid, really fast slide!

 Down they go! Good thing Livi isn't afraid of going under :)

 Hot Tubbin' it!

Such a good Daddy:)
 Group Shots
 Pretty Girls!